
Earlier this month, the TUC received notification from the Department for Education that they would end the Union Learning Fund from March 2021.

As many of you will know, this money supports the TUC and affiliates to support members and reps in accessing learning and training. It’s done this successfully since 1998, widening access to workers. It’s been financially supported by all governments during this time. Last year we supported over 200,000 workers.

We’ve been lobbying politicians and ministers about the decision, calling for it to be changed. Today, to support those efforts, the TUC and our unions have launched the #SaveUnionLearning campaign. We don’t expect this will be done quickly, so expect this to be the first of many updates. But we’re confident in our messages and evidence about why they should support union learning and we’re sure that showing that so many people value and support it will change the decision.

We will be lobbying our politicians nationally and regionally, sharing case studies and the experience of learners, and showing the wide levels of support. With this in mind, there are things we’re asking you to help with in the first instance:

Sign and share the petition

We’ve launched a petition to show how many people support the campaign. We need as many signatures as possible, and this is one way members and activists can show their support and then will receive updates with calls to action.

Sign the petition here - https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/uk-gov-don-t-cut-union-learning - and then share it

Tell us your union learning story

We know union learning is important. We know it works, and the stats support it. But we need your stories to help tell the government why it must be protected. Please do tell us your story

Share your story here - https://tuccampaigns.typeform.com/to/WEbywm5J - and encourage others to do the same

You can find out more information about the campaign on the TUC website too https://www.tuc.org.uk/campaigns/dont-let-government-cut-union-learning



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