Click here to join online or download an application form

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You can click here to join the GMB online and leave the rest to GMB - you won’t regret it.

Application Form.pdf

Polish Form.pdf

(direct debit only)

Application Form.pdf

(check-off only)



Remember, GMB membership covers you for all your jobs, wherever you work. GMB contributions are £3.35 if you work more than 20 hours per week and £1.93 if you work 20 hours or less per week. If you work 10 hours or less per week you can opt to pay the promotional rate of £1.00 (this rate excludes cash benefits). The apprentice rate is 50p per week and the non-working student rate is £1.00 per month (via Direct Debit only). Working students to pay applicable rate to their employment.  


Complete an application form

Alternatively you can download a GMB application form and send it to:


Please note that representation will only be afforded once you are a member and not for existing problems that pre-date your membership.


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