GMB Members Accept Local Government Pay Offer

17 Nov 2014

GMB members in local government and schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as members the other two local government unions have voted to accept a pay offer put forward by the Local Government Association. 1.5 million council workers and school staff have taken a pragmatic decision to accept a two-year deal which is worth around 2.35% on average and up to 9.6% for the lowest paid.

Local government and school support workers had been offered just 1%, with slightly more for the lowest paid to bring them above the level of the new National Minimum Wage in March. However following a strike on 10 July and a threatened further walkout in October, the LGA made an improved offer. The proposals cover the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2016.

All three unions have made it clear that they will continue to campaign for fair pay and conditions for local government and school workers, strengthen the collective bargaining machinery covering local government and schools and move quickly to jointly tackle other important issues facing their members with the Local Government Association. Brian Strutton, GMB National Secretary for Public Services, said: “1.5 million council workers and school staff have taken a pragmatic decision to accept a two-year deal which is worth around 2.35% on average and up to 9.6% for the lowest paid. That puts the 2014 pay dispute to bed but there are still serious financial challenges ahead for local government services and our members who provide them.”

The local government craft workers have also voted to accept the pay proposals.

GMB National Secretary, Brian Strutton writes, “Following the vote by GMB members last week, I can now advise that the other craft unions have also completed their consultations on the pay proposals.  As a result the craft JNC unions have formally signified their acceptance and so employers should be making cash lump sum payments in December and percentage pay rises in January.”